Hello! As this is my very first blog post, I thought I'd give you an introduction as to why I made this, what you'll be seeing here, and all that jazz. If you don't have a clue what you're doing here, or who I am, you can check out my About Me page ☺
Firstly - this isn't the first blog I've made. A couple of years ago, I created a Blogger account to review books and films for a bit of fun, but I got four posts in before Year Eleven happened and inevitably destroyed any passion I had for extensive writing. In fact, throughout the whole of Year Eleven, I think I read 2 books. At most. TWO.
However, now I am halfway through my AS levels and therefore an English Literature course. Thankfully, taking this course has reinforced my love for writing and I thought it was about time I started afresh with a new blog. Not only this, but I generally just love sharing my opinions on things I enjoy!
Originally this was just going to be a book review blog; however, I decided that as I don't read 24/7 it would be much more beneficial for both me and you, the reader, to include other interests of mine. Therefore, I will not only be writing book reviews, but also my latest music choices along with personal blog posts.
A big goal of mine this year is to complete my Goodreads 2016 reading challenge and this blog is intended to motivate me with said task. I will be writing a more in-depth post about this in the next couple of days so make sure you stay tuned if you are interested in that, but here is a preview (above) of the books I will be reading and reviewing this year!
If you have any suggestions on things you would like to see me write about, please leave a comment and let me know as I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I really hope you enjoy this blog as I am so excited to get posting and see what this year has in store for me ☺
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