Publish Date: 4 July 2002
Genre: Documentary Comedy, Non-Fiction
Audience: Teens and up

Words cannot describe how much I love this book. Which is ironic considering I am writing a blog post on it. But seriously - this book is everything I never knew I was missing.
First of all, Dave Gorman has been one of my favourite comedians for a short while now after discovering his genius TV show 'Modern Life is Goodish'. I have been meaning to read his latest book for a while now, but after my brother bought me Dave's first publication for Christmas (with a lovely addition of a personalised signing as shown below), I thought I may as well start here.
And I sure am glad I did.
'Are You Dave Gorman?' is simply a wonderfully engaging tale of two flatmates who get drunk and make a ludicrous bet - to find 54 people named David Gorman. It seems like something that you would find in a fiction novel as they scour the world far and wide, but every line is ridiculously and beautifully true.
Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace's commentary delivers this journey perfectly, with the appropriate amount of comedy in all the right places; there is even the odd overly dramatic scene in which you, as a reader, find yourself far too deeply invested in where and when they will find the next Dave Gorman.
It is startlingly plain to see the true lengths that this petty bet evolved to, and never have I been so invested in a journey like this before - I doubt I ever will be again! The epilogue truly struck a place in my heart and I closed the book with a resentful sigh (before realising the true absurdity that I was hung up over 55 Dave Gormans and 1 Danny Wallace and I started to contemplate all meaning in my life).
In short, 'Are You Dave Gorman?' is a truly heart-warming tale of a preposterous expedition that will make you laugh, cry, and most of all - make you want to change your name to Dave Gorman.
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